Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Excel 2007 Conditional formatting bug

I was developing my Excel 2007 eCourse and trying out the conditional formatting that I stumble upon this bug. Maybe it's not, I don't know where to report it so I decided to publish this in my blog to see if somebody would like to provide an answer.

In the conditional formating bug file, take a look at cell B4. It is supposed to be red based on the condition set but it turns out green. Anybody can help?


Unknown said...

I know this is an old post but even if you don't read it, someone else will find it with a google search. You problem is that you have one conditional format as:

And then another one:

To see confditional formatting for all cells in sheet, choose "Show formatting rules for" to "This worksheet".

Now, the formatting seems to be correct, so I'm not sure why it did not work, but I removed the second one and then changed the first one to:
And it worked.

JK said...

Conditional formatting should work for individual cells.

Anonymous said...

older blog, but I just crossed it today.

The problem is that TYPE = PERCENT. This tells Excel to relate the actual figure of a cell to all other figures sharing the same conditional format. For a single cell that is always 100%.

You can see the behaviour better by changing cell B5 one after the after to:
-100%, 0%, 20%, 50%, 100% 200%
This will change ALL colours in the range B5:B9.

To work as expected, you need to change TYPE = NUMBER. This way you compare absolute figures. Btw. the VALUE needs to be changed to 67% (=0.67) and 33% (=0.33) to work properly.



JK said...

The conditional formatting was set up automatically by Excel, so it has to work as is.
The color will change when you work on another cell. But what if that is the last cell or last action you are doing?