Thursday, November 11, 2010

New in Excel 2007

Excel 2007 allow you to filter records based on cell color, font color. If the column contains dates, you can even filter by year and month. That's an improvement from Excel 2003.

It also help you to sort by cell colors. Other criteria available are cell icons and Font color.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

How to sum up range that contains error?

If you use the normal SUM formula, you will get #N/A. To find out the total of the values, you have to use the SUMIF formula =SUMIF(B2:B10,"<>#N/A"), assuming that the range is from B2 to B10.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Calculate working days only

How do you calculate the number of working days between 2 dates? You can use the NETWORKDAYS formula or the SUMPRODUCT formula. This page on calculating networking days tells you all.