Monday, February 07, 2011

Combined First Name with Last Name

I have 1 column of 2000 rows.  Each row consists of a person's name; street address; city, state, and zip code.  Thus far, I've gone to the "Data" tab then "Text To Columns" used the "Delimited" option to delimit by "Space." That option has seperated the text within each row into seperate cells.  How do I combine the cells to combine,for example, first name with last name, house number with street name, and so on?

You can use the "&" key which is a substitute for concatenate. Assuming that your first name and last name is in A1 and B1 respectively, you can combined them together (with a comma in between them) using the following formula:

=A1&", "&B1

Remove line breaks

Question : I have a report with more than 60K rows and in one column, the cells contains text in more than one line (within the same cell). Instead of manually removing the line breaks cell by cell, is there a easier way?

Answer : There are 2 ways to solve this problem.
One is to go to format cell, alignment tab and remove the check mark on wrap text.
The second method is to use the CLEAN formula. CLEAN formula removes all non-printable characters from the cell and line break is one of them. Assuming that the text is in A2, enter the following formula without quotes in B2 "=clean(A2)".