Friday, December 16, 2005

The power of Pivot Table (Part VIII)

My apologies for not blogging for the past 2 days. I have to attend a conference on coporate planning and was busy preparing for my presentation for the conference. I was also trying to meet some project schedules.

I guess this should be the last posting on Pivot Table. There are too many things to cover on Pivot Table that I can spend 2 full days sharing with you all that I know. Having said that, I didn't want to bore you with more details until you have played around with those that I have posted in the last 2 weeks.

Do you know that Excel Pivot Table can give you the raw data that make up a particular result in one single step?
For example, if you are to double click on any one of the Sum of Amount cells, Excel will present the string of records that make up that number in another new worksheet. It will give you all the other details including fields that are not even presented in the pivot table. This is a wonderful function because it allows you to drill down to the most basic details. I don't think crystal report or Business Objects provide that. I may be wrong though.

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