Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Getting the list of unique records (Method 2)

I have recently discover another method to retrieve the unqiue list of items. And here it is:

Assuming that you have the same list as yesterday.

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Internet Marketing
Adword Equaliser
Excel Formula
Excel Formula

1) Sort the list so that all the same items are group together.
2) Input a header on top of the list. This is required for the sub-total function we are going to use in the next step.
3) Activate the subtotal by going to menu, data, sub-total
4) When the dialog box appears, set the following options
a) At each change in: list (Header)
b) Use function: Sum
c) Add Subtotal to: list
d) Select the option: Replce current total
e) Select the option: Summary below data (see diagram for details)
5) Click OK.
6) Click on the button 2 located at the top left hand corner. The list would be compressed as shown in this diagram.
7) use the Goto Special function to extract the unique list to another excel worksheet.
8) Use the Replace function to remove the " total"
9) The list is extracted.

I might not be able to share more excel application with you on a daily basis from tomorrow till 12 Dec. This is because I might be tied up with the preparation of my Excel course which I am conducting on 12 Dec and 19 Dec (1.5 days in total). This is an inhouse course I am conducting for my client. As there are still some places left, my client has agreed to allow me to offer this course to you if you are interested. Of course, you must located in Singapore during this time. Drop me a comment if you are interested to find out more and I will furnish you with more details when it becomes available.

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